Coordination Meetings
In addition to the annual YPAC sessions, there is another annual meeting for the group of YPAC teachers and two experienced YPAC students from each school: the Coordination Meeting in November. This meeting is very important for us because it's up to us to evaluate each YPAC session and decide on necessary changes to improve YPAC from session to session.
Since November 2023, the Pestalozzi Children's Village in Trogen is our host for the coordination meeting.
Before that we met in Sonthofen from 2017 to 2022 and in Innsbruck from the beginning of YPAC until 2016.
YPAC Coordination Meeting 2024 in Trogen
Snowballs and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
This year's YPAC coordination meeting, which took place from November 20 to 22 in the snow-covered Pestalozzi Children's Village in Trogen, fully met the high expectations. A total of 47 participants attended, representing 10 delegations from seven Alpine countries. The preparatory meeting was supported by the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention and the CIPRA network.
The first part of the meeting focused on feedback and insights from the last parliamentary session in Kamnik, Slovenia, in the spring of 2024. Potential innovations were derived from these discussions and explored in working groups. In participatory processes, students and teachers worked together to develop viable solutions.
In the second part, the topics and organization of the parliamentary session in Rosenheim, scheduled for spring 2025, were presented and critically discussed with the organizing team. In Rosenheim, the Youth Parliament will address four of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and document their impact on the goals of the Alpine Convention through a resolution.
The third part involved decisions on the necessary organizational coordination between all schools and participating organizations, as well as the internal structure of YPAC.
The weather was particularly memorable, as Trogen was covered in a wintery blanket of snow. The walks to the cantonal school’s cafeteria and the RAB Bar in Trogen were brisk and adventurous. The startup "nudelfertig", created as part of the Economics & Law specialization, was presented to the plenum by CEO Sara Schoch. The instant noodles also served as the dinner for the second evening.
The preparatory meeting ended in the cafeteria of the Cantonal School of Trogen before all delegations began their journeys home.
On behalf of the Trogen delegation: Pascal Frank, Jens Weber, Fabienne Carniello, James Januszewski, Julia Felber, Sara Schoch, Viola Borghesio