YPAC 2022
March 14th to 18th
Online conference organized by Team Vaduz
General topic: Do the major crises of the 21st century require a change of system?
The climate crisis and the pandemic are on our minds. But what are ways out of the crisis? The Fridays for Future movement calls for a system change if there is no improvement possible within the current system.
But what could a better system look like?
Important remarks on the topic:
We want you to think outside the box. The system change is at the core of the topic. Ideas are to be developed that show what a new system of government, economic system, social system or mobility system might look like. So you should enter into new territory.
How can you get there? At the beginning, an in-depth analysis of the existing systems must be made. During the analysis, deficiencies, questionable basic assumptions and injustices may be noticed. Based on these findings, new ideas are to be formulated.
This is not the issue: Much-discussed instruments such as CO2 taxes, road-pricing, etc. to improve the existing systems.
Subtopics (allocated to four committees)
In the pandemic, many governments have been able to introduce new rules quickly with special laws, but they have also restricted the citizens' rights. Does this approach also work for the climate crisis? How and by whom should the state be led? Who should make decisions? Who should be responsible?
What does Government 2.0 look like?
We are all part of economy, we have private property, we produce and consume, buy and sell products, use up resources and accumulate waste. How could ecological and sustainable processes work? Do we need a new economic system?
What does Economy 2.0 look like?
There are more and more people living alone. Our population is ageing due to demographic change. The number of people living in absolute poverty is decreasing globally, but the gap between rich and poor people is widening. How do we want to live? How do we want to grow old? Who is allowed to live in which way? Where do we need which limits? What rules are needed?
What does Society 2.0 look like?
The degree of motorization and the distances travelled have increased enormously within the last 100 years. We commute from where we live to our school or workplace. We travel to far away countries and we also travel a lot in our free time. Goods and commodities are transported around the world. Around half of the CO2-emissions in Switzerland are caused by transport. Is mobility a fundamental right? Or does mobility have to be fundamentally rethought?
What does Mobility 2.0 look like?
Download the Topics of YPAC 2022 (PDF).
Materials for preparation
For the preparation of all committees we recommend the following links:
- Climate strikes: Greta Thunberg calls for ‘system change not climate change’ – here’s what that could look like (theconversation.com)
- SzeneAlpen Nr. 107 - «Gemeingut Alpen» / Alpenscène n° 107 - Les Alpes, bien commun / Alpinscena n° 107 - Il bene comune Alpi / Alpe na odru št. 107: Alpe - skupno dobro (CIPRA international)
- Michael Sandel: Why we shouldn't trust markets with our civic life (TED talk English)
- Solving the mobility challenges facing our cities together (EIT Urban Mobility)
- “System Change, not Climate Change!” (Austrian climate justice movement - German / English)
- Buy Nothing Project
- Sustainability and system change (Forum for the future)
Here are the teams of Vaduz 2022 (PDF):
Press Group
YPAC's Flying Facts
Flying Facts - Tuesday (PDF)
Flying Facts - Wednesday (PDF)
Flying Facts - Thursday (PDF)
Impressions from the exchange with politicians, opinion leaders and representatives of the press on the last day of the YPAC week 2022
Press Coverage
- Newspaper article: "Größer denken" heißt die Devise Oberbayerisches Volksblatt 11/04/2022 (de) (jpg)
- Newspaper article: Internationales Jugendparlament. YPAC Delegation aus Sonthofen bei Treffen der Alpenkonvention dabei Allgäuer Zeitung 06/05/2022 (de) (jpg)
- Newspaper article: YPAC im Zeichen des Systemwandels Naturschutzblatt 1/2022 (de) (pdf)
- Online news: Alpenkonvention: Jugendparlament trifft sich online Südtirol Online 21/03/2022 (de) (Web)
- Radio interview: Erfordern die Krisen einen Systemwandel? radioregenbogen.de 20/07/2022 (de) (Web)
- Online news: Die Jugend befasst sich beim YPAC mit großen Fragen alpconv.org 28/03/2022 (de) (Web)