YPAC 2014
March 31st – April 4th 2014 in Chamonix/F
General topic: My Alps beyond Boundaries – My Alps of the Future
Subtopics (allocated to four committees)
KEY QUESTIONS: How can people’s access to education and training in non-urbanized areas be improved? How can we transform the Alps to make them highly attractive for students? How can we reintroduce more variety in the courses available in the area of the Alps? Is it possible to create so-called “High-tech cities” in which all facilities linked with research, education and training would be gathered in order to stimulate the cities of the Alps? How can we reinforce the links between the different regions of the Alps to promote and share various trainings?
Living in the Alps is also a question of housing, transportation, access to medical care, access to culture and leisure.
KEY QUESTIONS: How can we improve our everyday life in the Alps and value our cities and towns? How can we maintain a viable access to medical care at a local scale? How can the problem of housing in the Alps be handled and solved? How can we develop more economical housing? How can we develop areas that are empty and which could be used to develop housing in the Alps? How can we promote an alternative to cars and roads in the Alps? How can the other means of transportation be developed? How can we make ecological means of transportation more accessible? How can we reinforce the links between cities and non-urbanized and remote areas so as to promote socializing? How can we open up more exchanges between cities and remote mountain areas to develop the access to culture? Can the mountain areas and the cities share their different cultural events?
The Alps need development. Development requires energy… but what will be the cost of it?
KEY QUESTIONS: How can we produce energy without taking the risk of ruining our environment and ourselves? The Alps produce a lot of energy and share it with the cities from the various countries of the Alpine region, but what do they get in return? Is there a way to promote a more local circuit of production and consumption of energy? How can tourism be made more ecological? How can we promote more ecological means of transport?
“Let us decide for our future!” Gamal, former president of the YPAC, once said. However, how is it possible to change things and shape our future without having concrete means to decide and take initiative? It is high time we started thinking about a Permanent Youth Parliament of the Alpine Convention! Promoting active citizenship surely is a good idea, but how do we, young people, have access to and learn about politics?
KEY QUESTIONS: Should schools play a more active part in our access to political knowledge? Is it feasible to promote a common syllabus for teachers to teach politics in our schools of the Alps and beyond? Where could we, the future citizens and decision-makers of the Alps, group together to speak about the current and future issues in our Alpine region? How can we get the power to make known our opinions and recommendations about the decisions made by the politicians in the Alps? How should we elect the young people who represent our interests? On which criteria? How can we make sure that the representatives in the Youth Parliament of the Alpine Convention get a satisfactory training for their future tasks? How could these young people be supported in their investment in the Parliament?
Download the Topics of YPAC 2014 (PDF).
Press Releases
- Communiqué de presse du Parlement des Jeunes de la Convention Alpine (YPAC) 04/04/14 (PDF)
- Medienmitteilung "Marie Curie" Meran 02/04/14 (PDF)
Press Coverage
- Blog CarnetCurie: FOS-Schüler auch bei YPAC 2014 vertreten 28/01/14 (de) (Web)
- Newspaper Article: 80 jeunes vont imaginer l'arc alpin de futur Le Dauphiné Libéré 27/03/14 (fr) (PDF)
- Blog CarnetCurie: YPAC – FOS "Marie Curie" Meran auch bei der neunten Session dabei 27/03/14 (de) (Web)
- Web-Diary: YPAC in Chamonix Gymnasium Sonthofen 03/04/14 (de) (PDF)
- Newspaper Article: "Zukunft der Alpen" Liechtensteiner Volksblatt 03/04/14 (de) (PDF)
- Newspaper Article: Les jeunes européens réfléchissent à l'avenir des Alpes Le Dauphiné Libéré 03/04/14 (fr) (PDF)
- Online News: Giovani sguardi sulle Alpi Lo Scarpone online 03/04/14 (it) (PDF)
- Newspaper Article: Parlement des jeunes: une semaine très chargée Le Dauphiné Libéré 04/04/14 (fr) (PDF)
- Newspaper Article: Pédagogie et approche politique Vallée de Chamonix 04/04/14 (fr) (PDF)
- Newspaper Article: Le YPAC aimerait vivre entre les sessions annuelles officielles Le Dauphiné Libéré 05/04/14 (fr) (PDF)
- Newspaper Article: Junge Ideen in Städten einbringen OVB-online 11/04/14 (de) (PDF)
- Online News: Young people can shape the future of the Alps Mountain Partnership online 15/04/14 (en) (PDF)
- Online News: YPAC – Schüler der FOS vertraten Italien suedtirolnews.it 16/04/14 (de) (PDF)
- Online Article: YPAC – Die Jugend kommt zu Wort "Bezirksblätter" meinbezirk.at 16/04/14 (de) (PDF)
- Online News: Das Jugendparlament stellt dem Generalsekretär die Resolutionen vor alpconv.org 28/04/14 (de) (PDF)
- Newsletter Tirol-Büro Brüssel: Jugendparlament zur Alpenkonvention – Die Jugend kommt zu Wort Newsletter 18/2014 (de) (PDF)
YPAC's Flying Facts
Flying Facts – Chamonix Times – Tuesday (PDF)
Flying Facts – Wednesday (PDF)
Flying Facts – Thursday (PDF)
Media Group Videos
This year we had a very active film group. Watch their videos here.
YPAC 2014 – Backwards (YouTube)
YPAC 2014 – Day 1 (YouTube)
YPAC 2014 – Day 1 Part 2 (YouTube)
YPAC 2014 – Day 2 (YouTube)
YPAC 2014 – Day 3 (YouTube)
Interviews with Politicians
- Interview with Anne Lassman-Trappier, president of the French association "Environn' Mont-Blanc". Responsible for this interview are Mathilde Ratouis, Emma Saguez and Marie Dillies. (fr) (PDF)
- Interview with Antonello Laveglia, representative of the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention. Responsible for this interview are Chiara Mirarchi and Barbara Vintager. (de) (PDF)
- Article/Interview with Antonello Laveglia, representative of the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention. Responsible for this interview are Anastasia Martin and Chiara Mirarchi. Article written by Anastasia Martin. (it) (PDF)
- Interview with Katharina Conradin, board member of CIPRA International and managing director of "mountain wilderness". Responsible for this interview are Magdalena Steinlechner and Dana Polzer. (de) (PDF)

Poster of the 9th YPAC-session in Chamonix in 2014